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Over the years, a growing number of personal injury firms have toyed with the idea of starting a mass tort practice area. But, taking that first step can be daunting on many fronts. Especially when it comes to creating marketing strategies to find a consistent stream of potential plaintiffs.

One way to alleviate the pressure of creating and maintaining your marketing campaigns is to hire a case acquisition company to do the work for you. When considering all of the factors involved in starting a mass tort practice area, choosing the right marketing company is critical. Here are a few tips and tricks on what to look for when you begin your search:

  • Look for a partner, not a vendor
  • Go with a company that has an in-house call center and pre-qualification screening process
  • Make sure the marketing company has robust and transparent analytics
  • Strive for qualified signed retainers
  • Find a company that has strong connections with top litigating firms and knows the space

Asking the right questions during the discovery process will help set expectations related to what will be delivered, setting you up for success.

Broughton Partners is a technology-first, innovative mass tort legal marketing and case acquisition company. Their mission is to connect law firms with qualified claimants seeking legal representation after suffering an injury or injustice. If you’re looking to start a mass tort practice area or expand your docket, they can help you get started.

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