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Michael Earner
Michael Earner

Total Trial Solutions

Michael is an attorney and a problem solver. He is in charge of the day-to-day operations of Total Trial Solutions and is responsible for ensuring the company undergoes a period of sustainable and rapid growth; with one goal in mind – find creative and ethically sound ways to efficiently help lawyers increase the value of their client’s cases. That is the whole purpose of Total Trial Solutions and its existence.

Michael comes from a unique background. When he was in his early 20’s, he answered a call to give back by joining the US Army shortly after September 11, 2001. Soon after, he found himself on combat patrols in Taliban-controlled territories in Northern Afghanistan. He was injured during one of those combat patrols and was no longer able to serve in the Infantry.

Instead of simply quitting, he battled through injuries and found a way to continue to serve as a Special Agent in the Defense Department. In his time as an agent, he worked on serious investigations where the army had an interest including homicide, sexual assault, crimes against children, computer crimes, and other classified and sensitive cases that had national security implications. During this time as a Special Agent, Michael was trained by the government in advanced techniques in interviews and interrogations, behavioral analysis, non-verbal communication and body language, and advanced techniques in digital and electronic evidence.